What's the Spiritual Meaning of Left Side Pain?

Today, I am answering a question I get asked a lot: What is the spiritual meaning of left side pain?

As I always talk about, your body sends you messages about what’s off in your mind, body, and life. Those messages can be patterns of repetitive negative behaviors or experiences, or they can be things like pains, lumps, bumps, and everything else the body can throw at us.

When you know how to translate those messages, you empower your healing and bring awareness to your life in such a way that you can shift pretty much everything.

If you’ve got left side pain, check out the video to see what the body is telling you, and please comment below if you have an “aha!” moment!

If you’d like to go deeper and understand how to translate the messages of any and all lump, bump, pain, numbness, rash, irritation, or anything else you might be experiencing, unlock my course, Body Language: Deciphering Your Body’s Clues so You Can Heal.

In it, I take you through the complete process of translating anything you are dealing with into a message you can understand, and then I walk you through my ground-breaking process for shifting your mind, body, and life into health, joy, and ease.

If you’ve got any specific questions about anything you are dealing with, comment below, and I will try to help!

If this video is helpful to you, please like and share!

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