How to offer yourself the same love you offer others...

“Hey beautiful girl,” I said to my daughter, as I walked in to see what she was up to.

“Hey beautiful mama.” She said back.

I stopped and hugged her. “That’s so sweet, honey.”

“What?” She said, “You always tell other people they are beautiful. You are beautiful, too.” 

Talk about the wisdom of a child.

And it’s true - I love lifting others up.

I see their gifts and help bring them out.

I see their struggles, and I show them where those struggles can be transformed into a path to authenticity and purpose.

I understand their wounds, and I encourage gentle healing.

But with myself?

Not so much sometimes.

Just like anyone, I have negative thoughts that tend to crop up in times of stress or uncertainty.

I worry about doing and being enough.

I worry that I am not good enough.

None os that is true, but it still can stop me in my tracks sometimes.

When we give in to this kind of negative thinking, we can’t heal.

We can’t become who and what we are meant to be.

We can’t be the kind of light in the world that the world needs right now.

We MUST see our beauty.

We must reflect it back to ourselves in the same way we reflect it out.

We must get to the root of it and have tools to shift from self-hate to self-love.

That’s why I created a free mini-course, Shutting Down the Bully Mind.


  • Know that self-doubt is holding you back…

  • Find yourself playing and replaying negative self-talk in your mind…

  • Suffer from “imposter syndrome”…

  • Are sick and tired of beating the hell out of yourself…

  • Want to understand the root of your negative self-thinking…

  • Are ready to put easy, life-shifting practices in place and feel better…

  • Are ready to align with your gifts and your best life…

If that sounds like you, grab access to the free mini-course here (again, totally free!):