
Self-Love Mini-Workshop - The Power of Self-Love in Illness, Healing, and Manifestation

Self-love is healing.

It’s manifestation.

It’s the belief that you can accomplish your goals.

It’s also at the core of so much of where we

In this mini-workshop, I translate the physical issues from two people, and then we take a deep dive on self-love.

I show you:

  • Why self-love is so important

  • What early influences may have made you feel unworthy

  • Why those beliefs are unlikely to be true

  • How we can be unable to see the truth about ourselves, and how to start.

  • Why you are likely a much better person - and more capable - than you ever thought.

  • And more.

    To work through the practices I talk about in the mini-workshop, download the worksheet and Body Love guided self-love exercise below.

    Please note: It’s a great idea to use the Body Love guided practice at least every other day to see the biggest benefit!

    How did this work for you? What revelations did you have? I’ve love to know. Please comment below!

Downloadable Body Love/Self-Love practice:

Use this along with a mirror (or close your eyes and imagine a mirror).

To properly do the practice, first write down all the things you are grateful that you can experience because you are in the body you are in.

- What things are you grateful that you can feel?
- What things are you grateful for being able to see?
- What things are you grateful for being able to taste?
- What things are you grateful for being able to hear?
- What things are you grateful for being able to touch?
- What things are you grateful to fully experience because you are in your body?

Release and Reset: Meditation to Disconnect from the Past and Manifest Your Best Life

Release and Reset: Meditation to Disconnect from the Past and Manifest Your Best Life

The past year of the pandemic has left many of us afraid to believe in a better future. In this meditation, I take you through a journey of releasing any fear, worries, or burdens and actually visualizing your best future, stepping into it and allowing it to be in every cell of your being. It’s a powerful meditation, I promise!

Ask Tara Live: November 27th, 2020 - Gratitude and Manifestation Meditation

Ask Tara Live: November 27th, 2020 - Gratitude and Manifestation Meditation

Gratitude is one of the best ways to connect with all the things you desire, whether it’s healing from a disease, a new relationship, a new house, or whatever else it might be. In today’s live call, I take you through a meditation designed to fill your heart with gratitude for all you have in your life now, and to connect with gratitude for all that is flowing into your life. I hope this is a resource you can come back to again and again!