Station 4 Meditation

Calling In Healing: Drench Yourself in Healing Light

Calling In Healing: Drench Yourself in Healing Light

Release pain, disease, and a lack of self-love in this powerful meditation.

Rewriting Difficult Memories: Let Go of the Pain and Heal

Rewriting Difficult Memories: Let Go of the Pain and Heal

We all have memories that are traumatic.

Don’t let them control you anymore!

Use this meditation to turn down the volume on the pain of that memory, and to begin to replace that pain with calm, healing, and wellness.

You will be amazed how much better you will feel after just this simple practice!

Reconnect: Connect Energetically with a Loved One

Reconnect - Tara Meyer-Robson

Are you estranged from someone you love? Are you having to stay distant to people in your life due to the pandemic? Do you wish you could feel a connection with someone, even before talking with them?

This meditation is for you. I recommend this meditation if you are feeling disconnected from someone you love, such a being estranged from a child or a sibling, or if you are feeling disconnected from someone who is in your life now.

The focus of the meditation is to connect with the person who is afar spiritually and emotionally, allowing that connection to go deep in both of your hearts. I have used this practice with great success with all kinds of different situations.

Unconditional Love Shield: Healing and Connecting with Love while Protecting Yourself

love shield

This practice is particularly helpful if you are dealing with:

  • Any cardiovascular or lung issues

  • Healing from (or dealing with) abuse

  • Difficulties with loving yourself

  • Difficulties with loving another

  • Feeling cut off from your emotions

  • Needing to increase your connection to your emotions while increasing a safe boundary around you to protect you from negativity.

  • Station 4 issues



If you tend to feel stress or that you are taking on other’s energy more in one area of your body than other (such as in your gut or on your shoulders), this is the perfect practice for you. It’s also perfect if you are dealing with a specific illness in a particular body part - it creates an extra shield all around that area.

Forgive + Release: Cutting the Cord

Forgive + Release: Cutting the Cord

Do you have things in your life that are hard for you to let go of? Do you feel that forgiveness is extremely difficult or impossible? Do you hold grudges? Or, are you a seriously sensitive and empathic soul, and are always connected to all the pain in the world?

This is the practice that will help you.

Pain Release + Wellness Restore

Pain Release + Wellness Restore

If you are dealing with any kind of ache or pain, this meditation is designed to help you to pull that out of your body and restore yourself to wellness. This is a great one to use as you fall asleep, but is absolutely appropriate to help you at any time you are feeling pain throughout the day.