stomach pain

Ask Tara Live, Part 1: October 23rd, 2020

Ask Tara Live, Part 1: October 23rd, 2020

In Part 1 of today's class, I give some follow up from the questions we had last week, and I add to my advice on how to retune a trigger to a new, more empowered way of being.

If you are dealing with something that seems like a trigger or a negative habit, hopefully the suggestions I give here will be a huge help to you.

I apologize for the video quality on this one; I had to move to another part of my house due to massive construction right behind my office, so I couldn’t plug directly into the ethernet.

Ask Tara Live: October 16, 2020

Ask Tara Live: October 16, 2020

In today’s live call, I tell you about a crazy healing experience I had, answer some great student questions, and talk about how to use a simple system to help yourself to feel better, more centered, and more empowered even in the crazy time in which we find ourselves.

I always say that I am one of my biggest skeptics as to all of this working all the time. As my recent experience with my right leg showed, it just works - and it often works staggeringly fast.

The first question is from Mark, who asks about the connection between prostate cancer, leg issues, and a bad relationship. My answer has a lot to do with his work and connection to identity.

The next question is from Denise, who asks about why she keeps getting a nauseating stomach pain every morning at exactly the same time. Is it a trigger? And to what?

Next, I talk about why people are getting so many headaches right at this moment in time, and what you can do to use that information to empower yourself even with everything you are dealing with right now. (Hint: Are you feeling like you are pounding your head into the wall right now? Are you feeling pressure?)

Finally, I give you a very simple process to help you stop feeling so overwhelmed and be able to use what you are experiencing to find an empowered way forward.