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Station 6: The Power of Mental Creativity and Intuition

Station 6, deals with all your beliefs about your ability to solve problems in your life and to be able to find solutions that bring you to the kind of life you desire. It also deals with your unconscious beliefs about your brain power - were you told that you were smart? Or not? Much of that underlying programming can set a person up for issues in life.

Station 6 also deals with your mental intuition. While Station 3 deals with your gut instinct - that more physical representation of your intuition - Station 6 deals with the more sensory and mental aspects of intuition. We all have intuition; some of us have been told that it is evil or bad, and shut it off. If so, you can develop migraines here.

In this lesson, you’ll learn the many ways that problem beliefs in this Station show up as negative life patterns that become corresponding physical issues.

Station 6 deals with these areas of the body:

  • Brain

  • Eyes

  • Ears

  • Nose

  • Head

  • Skin of the nose, cheeks, forehead, and ears

Station 6 Lesson:

Station 6 resources and support:

If you are dealing with Station 6 issues, these audio and visual meditations are perfect for you! You can use them on their own, or you can select them as exercises as part of your overall action plan.

Station 6 Audio Meditations:

Station 6 Visual Meditation: