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Station 2: The Energy of Individual Dynamics and Creative Power

Station 2 beliefs deal with one-on-one relationships, creation, and pleasure.

As you just saw, Station 1 deals with your relationship to groups in your life. Of course, you also have individual relationships with each person in a group. Those one-on-one relationships (in and out of the group) and the power balance in each relationship is what you are looking at here.

Due to that, all romantic relationships fall in this area.

A common “red light” that you’ve got out-of-the-Flow underlying beliefs in Station 2 is having a pattern of negative relationships that are pretty much identical in how they play out. It doesn’t matter if you consciously say, “I will NEVER date anyone like that again!” If you’ve got beliefs about that kind of relationship being familiar to you or that you deserve that experience, that’s the person you will unconsciously choose again and again.

This can be true for any individual relationship, so you might also see a pattern of having the same toxic boss over and over. Or the same kind of abusive friend.

Station 2 also deals with your beliefs around being able to physically create in this world.

Whether you know it or not, there’s a lot you are trying to create! Some things might be:

a physical child

a book

a project

a business

income creation

material things you need or want

and anything else you might be creating (or working on creating)!

You can have negative underlying beliefs at any point of the “birthing” process, which is why some people are great at coming up with ideas (conception), but terrible at carrying that idea to term (miscarriage).

And, because it deals with everything to do with physical creation, it ALSO has to do with any limiting or problem beliefs you have with sexuality and pleasure.

Station 2 is literally your creative and pleasure center.

Station 2 deals with these areas of the body:

If you are tuning into negativity here, you will find that you have disease, pain, or extra weight in these areas: 

  • lower vertebrae

  • pelvis

  • sexual organs

  • bladder

  • large intestine

  • hips

  • buttocks

Click here to watch:

Station 2 Resources and Support:

If Station 2 is one of your top 3 Stations from your Flow Factor Test, use some (or all) of these resources and support to help you to retune into health and joy!

You can use them on their own, or you can select them as exercises as part of your overall action plan.


Start using at least one of these right away! And make sure to put them in as part of your Healing Action Plan.

Ask Tara Live Classes that Deal with Station 2 Issues:

In these classes, I talk about translating specific pain, disease, and underlying patterns that are all Station 2.

Watching or listening to these can be super helpful, especially if you are dealing with one of the pains or diseases that I translate!

Audio meditations:

Visual meditations: