Translating Chronic Fatigue, Migraines, Outside Foot Pain, and Why a Lack of Support Creates so Many Issues for Us.

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Question #1: Right foot pain

Hi Tara - 

I have a sort of minor, but seriously annoying thing going on: Every time I walk forward, the outside of my right foot hurts. It’s kind of like an ache, and I notice the ache is still there if I stand in one place for a while. It’s both outside and kind of under the outside of my foot, if that makes sense.

It’s always there, except when I am off my feet laying down at the end of the day. 

Any insight on what’s going on here?

Thanks so much - 


The answer to Jamie’s question starts at 1:19.

Question #2: Chronic fatigue and migraines:

Dear Tara - 

I’ve been diagnosed with sort of either/both chronic fatigue syndrome and/or fibromyalgia. It’s exhausting and painful, and I want to be rid of it. I have a lot of symptoms, as you might imagine. 

One of the most debilitating is that I can’t seem to do much of anything for too long without getting completely exhausted. However, I am also feeling a lot of muscle tension and aches, particularly in my arms. 

And I have been getting a ton of pain in my neck and the back of my head, which seems to be contributing to getting a lot of migraines. I have never had migraines quite like these. I get blinding pain - literally, it’s hard for me to see when I have them - and I am also getting really dizzy. 

What is this all saying? I am so sorry to hit you with so much, and I can see some things that you talk about in the course that make sense - like, I am sure I am seriously overwhelmed; I have a demanding job and a very demanding family - but I just can’t put the whole picture together. What do I do? 

Thank you so much for helping with this - 


The answer to Malia’s question starts at 8:36