You are already connected to all you desire.

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It's so hard to not get pulled into the world of comparing yourself, you life, and your success to others, particularly in the social media world. We look and all we see are the ways in which our lives are lacking, connecting ourselves with a constant stream of sadness, fear, and even self-loathing.

The truth is that we are connected to all we desire in this world, if only we look within and connect with that creative power within ourselves.

Science now shows that no matter how separate we feel from people and things in our lives, the reality is that we are all connected in the underlying wave that is quantum potential.

So, when we think we are separate from the things we want in our lives, that's actually an illusion; you can't be separate from anything if we are really all just waves in an ocean of potential. I know that seems crazy, but try this: imagine standing in the ocean on one side of the world, and a friend standing in the ocean on the other side of the world. You might be in two different places, but are you really disconnected? No, you are connected through the waves - there is a constant connection of waves from you all the way around the world.

In the same way, view yourself as a wave in the ocean of reality; everyone you love is a wave, and everything you desire is a wave. Are you actually disconnected?

When you want to experience anything in your life, change your perspective. Imagine that you are, inside your heart, connected with this person or thing now. Feel the excitement you'd feel if they were in front of you. Keep connecting with this reality everyday, and your life will profoundly shift for the better.