You can't create better for yourself if you don't see better IN yourself.

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wanted to change everything? Or felt like you were not good enough in any possible way?

I certainly have. I have always been horribly critical of myself, and it impacts everything.

I couldn't figure out why I was attracting so many negative experiences to my life where the person or experience seemed to prove to me that I really wasn't worth much of anything.

I'd done all the meditating and visualizing. I'd read all the books.

But you know what I hadn't done?

I hadn't truly worked on loving myself.

And it dawned on me - how was I ever going to attract better to my life if I couldn't see better in myself?

So, I started the (very hard) work of radically loving myself.

I decided to start seeing my flaws as assets.

And I finally acknowledged the good things about me (things I never acknowledged, because I thought I was being vain or bragging to admit something good about me).

And EVERYTHING changed. My life became so much happier. I attracted great things to me.

And I started offering what I learned to others.

Have you tried radically loving yourself? Has it helped you?

If you'd like to join my free 7-day Radical Self-Love Challenge and start radiating confidence, living your truth, and manifesting awesomeness, I'd be so happy to have you.

You can sign up for free here:

#selflove #lawofattractiontips #happiness #confidence