3 powerful actions to connect with your dreams

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Attaining your dream life can seem impossible, especially if you’ve worked and worked and it’s just not happening.

But there is an easier way to connect with the life of your dreams, and it has nothing to do with how many times you’ve tried and “failed.”

It’s all about frequency and our connection with the creative force that is “the source" (you might call it God, Yahweh, Allah, the Goddess - it’s all the same).

So, here are my three tips for connecting with the dream life you KNOW you deserve:

Step 1: Believe in your connection to a higher power/source. Make choices that radiate the power within you that is always connected to - and part of - the power that creates.

We are all one, and I don’t mean that figuratively. We are one with the power that creates all that is in our world and universe and whatever is beyond that.

Science has proven that there is an underlying wave nature to reality that gives birth to everything we see, feel, experience, and anything else. It’s called quantum potential, and it’s truly just potential. It’s just wave until we interact with it and allow things to pop forth from our own personal choices and the frequency of those choices.

That means that you aren’t just sitting around for things to happen to you or not. It isn’t just a game of luck or fate. You are PART of the force that creates everything in the universe.

Looking at it that way, take that power seriously. Make all your choices with the awareness that you are literally helping to create that experience. Is that an experience that you want to create? Is it one that seems like it is in alignment with the life of your dreams? Is it in experience that uplifts the world? Or depletes it?

The choice is yours. The power is yours. Use it wisely.

Step 2: Take all actions based on the frequencies matching what you desire to bring into being.

Since we are all connected to and part of quantum potential at every moment, that also means that, under it all, we are waves floating around at our own frequency and affecting the frequency of the entire universe with the actions, words, and thoughts we send out.

The frequency of those things actually affects the entire universe and what you experience in your life.

Because of that, you aren’t separate from the life of your dreams. You aren’t separate from anything you desire in your life. You can’t be, because no wave is separate from all the other waves. It’s impossible to be disconnected.

So, when you think anything, it’s a radio signal that creates a frequency that either tunes you in to the life of your dreams, or away from it. When you speak, you are creating a vibration that either resonates with all the good you want in the world, or it resonates with negativity. When you take actions, they are either of the frequency that aligns you with the life of your dreams, or away from it.

If you want to shift the quality of your life, shift your thoughts, words, and actions to be in alignment with how you would feel if you had all of that in your life right now. How would you act if you were living the life of your dreams? What would you think? What would your life look like? How would you dress?

Take actions mindfully. Take actions that align with the way you want to feel when you are living the life of your dreams. Take actions that align with how you want the world to be.

Do that over and over and you ARE aligning with the life you desire. The more you align, the more things pop into being in your life that show you that you are on the right path.

Step 3: Believe that the life you desire is already in reality, because it is. Stay steadfast in that belief. Let it flow into being however it chooses to.

One thing that I struggle with is allowing enough room in my personal goals to allow experiences that may be different than what I thought I wanted, but are, more often than not, even better.

I get an idea in my head that the life of my dreams HAS to look like this or feel like that or be like this exact thing.

You (I) gotta let go of that.

You have to set your intentions and take your actions in alignment with the general frequency of what you desire, then allow enough room to RECEIVE experiences that match that. If you are always focused on only ONE thing being THE thing, then there is no room for the universe/quantum potential/the source/a higher power to bring in things that match that frequency (and might be even more awesome!), but aren’t that exact thing.

So, sometimes stop doing. Stop focusing on only that one thing. Take a breath and know that when you align your thoughts, words, actions, and emotions with the life you desire, your desires are being co-created with the source by you and with you. They may not look exactly as you thought they would, but if you allow them, they will be exactly what you really wanted.

If you’d like to dive deeper into this, I will be opening my Manifest Your Dream Life Academy this week; it will to be totally free - it’s my gift to help more and more people raise their own frequency, life the life of their dreams, and raise the frequency of the whole world so our whole world is living better, too.

Sign up below:

If you’d like to dive in right now and pinpoint any unconscious beliefs that are tuning you into negative patterns, pain, and disease, grab my award-winning book now!

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