If you're going through hell, keep going. ❤️

This seemed like a good one for today.

I know so many people who are stressed, exhausted, and starting to lose faith that things will get better for them both personally and all of us collectively.

It's okay to feel that way; it's been HEAVY lately.

We are collectively going through a lot.

We are each personally going through our bit of it (or buckets of it).

But you know what comes before a breakthrough?

A breakdown.

I've been doing this healing and manifestation work long enough to know that it happens every. single. time.

In fact, it's usually a predictor that you are about to the top of the hill - and that BIG breakthrough you are looking for.

However, it absolutely SUCKS when you are going through it!

How to get through it as fast as possible?

1. Feel all the feelings. Be mad. Sad. Rageful. Shake your fist at the heavens and scream "why me???" Get it out. Express it however you need to. Then...

2. Make sure you are staying the course. Do your morning meditation. Set your goals each day and click them off. Visualize your success. Take actions toward your goals, no matter how hard it might be. Basically, double-down on all the things you are doing to manifest that life you dream of.

Why does this work? Because, for whatever reason, the universe/source/god needs to know you are SERIOUS about wanting what you say you want. So, if you stop when you are tested, that's not the signal you want to send, amiright?

And finally, make sure that you align with wanting the best for yourself AND the world.

You can use an affirmation/prayer like, "I ask that it be done for the best of me and for all involved."

Then trust that you are doing your part.

Would you love to help others break negative patterns, heal from pain and disease, and create the life of their dreams?

Is one of your life goals to wake up each morning knowing you were going to make a difference in the world?

If so, reach out to me. I am enrolling my next 4 Master the Matrix Coach Certification students right now...in 9 - 10 months, you could be doing life-changing work that you are passionate about.

If helping people is your calling in life and you are reading this right now, this is the nudge you needed to reach out.