How to Prosper

Your expectations affect the reality you get.

your mind is your life detector.png

Add this to the "we should be taught this in school" file:

Many years ago, scientists were trying to determine whether a photo - a bit of light - was wave (energy) or particle (solid).

This seemed pretty straightforward; after all, light certainly seems like it's just energy.

So, they did this now-famous double-slit experiment, which shined light through two small slits to see if there was a wave pattern or whether they lined up and bounced around like solid particles would.

They turned on their particle detector, and the photons lined up and bounced around like solid matter.

When they turned their particle detector off, the photons instantly created an interference pattern, distinctive of being waves.

It was shocking, to say the least. Either particles were psychic, knowing when the scientists were turning the detector on and off, or the photons were changing to show what the scientists expected to see.

This created the truly famous theory, "to observe is to disturb," which basically means that the act of observing reality impacts the reality you get.

Taken to the level of our lives, this means that our minds, which are filled with conscious and unconscious expectations of the life we believe we deserve, is impacting the way that the particles in our lives line up to create the reality we get.

Your mind is your life detector. It's important to make sure that what you want in life and what you expect to get are the same.

Thankfully, that's exactly what my system helps you do.

Find out what underlying beliefs are causing you trouble, and learn how to realign them to expect the reality you want:

You are already connected to all you desire.

You are already connected to all you desire.

It's so hard to not get pulled into the world of comparing yourself, you life, and your success to others, particularly in the social media world. We look and all we see are the ways in which our lives are lacking, connecting ourselves with a constant stream of sadness, fear, and even self-loathing.

The truth is that we are connected to all we desire in this world, if only we look within and connect with that creative power within ourselves.

Financially Stuck: Are Old Beliefs Keeping You Poor?

Are you truly open to allowing money to come to you?

While you may be screaming “yes!”, hold your horses. Just like any relationship, you have a personal relationship with money, and so, you have a power balance going on: money can control you, you can control money, or you can have a balanced and flowing relationship with it, allowing it to come in and out of your life with love and trust. 

So, while you may say that you are absolutely open to having money, your beliefs about money may tell a very different story. In fact, you may have an internal conflict raging within you—on one hand, seeing money as evil or bad, and on the other, seeing it as your very life-blood to achieve what you desire in life. You fear both having too much, believing that you must do something unethical to earn it—or having too little, fearing an unfulfilling, impoverished existence. It really is a mess—and it absolutely blocks your ability to allow money to flow to you easily. 

Answer the questions below to help you to learn how to create more balance and joy in your relationship with money. By opening yourself to a healthier experience of your finances, you can also open yourself to a better, more fulfilling, more supported life. 


The You Whisperer Questions: 

  1. Do you see money as evil or bad? Were you told that “rich people must be bad or unethical?” How do you think this affects your relationship with money?
  2. Do you not feel like you deserve money? Do you feel that a spiritual or good person doesn’t need financial wealth? Where does this belief come from?
  3. Have you ever been able to do something good with your money? For instance, have you given to a homeless shelter, saved a dog from a pound, or given to a charity that helps starving children? How did that make you feel about the power of money?