Happier Holidays

Is the Season the Reason for Your Pain?

Is the Season the Reason for Your Pain?

Traumas are stored in our bodies.

When we don’t fully deal with them at the time, they resurface during the anniversary of the trauma.

We may not consciously remember the date, but the subconscious does.

And the body starts talking, trying to get your attention for healing that needs to be done - emotionally, energetically, and then physically.

Sometimes the season is the reason for your pain.

If you’ve been dealing with out-of-the blue pain, strange symptoms, or unexpected flare ups of disease, it might be a trigger from holidays gone by.

The Shift that Can Make Your Holidays Happier

The Shift that Can Make Your Holidays Happier

I think I’ve finally figured something out: The holidays aren’t about love, although that’s certainly part of it. They aren’t about giving or getting something, although that’s a huge focus for people, too. They aren’t about who can put up the most lights, who gets the best presents, or whose dinner is the tastiest.

What are the holidays about, you ask?