5 Ways to Get More Energy Right Now


Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Would you like to feel more excitement, passion, and joy in life? Do you just simply desire more energy in your day?

I think we all do. In fact, with all that we do and strive to accomplish every single day, it is extremely difficult to not get run-down and worn out every so often. 

For many of us, our response to our exhaustion is to grab a seriously over-caffeinated drink and to keep on going, jitters and all. (Believe me, I have done this myself!) However, there are many easy-to-do methods to rekindle your inner fire – and naturally get more energy in your body, mind, and life.

Here are some simple tips you can implement right now to see an immediate impact on your energy levels.

Energy Tip #1: Take time to focus on the things that you are grateful for.

Do you go through your day feeling beaten up by life? Have you been overworking with little appreciation for all that you do each day? If so, it is easy to get stuck in a negative mindset – expecting that only negative thing will happen to you, and wearing out your mental state with a total focus on the bad things that seem to happen each day. However, the truth of the matter is that you have many things to be grateful for – you just need to notice them.

To do this, simply take a blank notebook or journal and designate it your “gratitude journal.” Then, each and every day, write down 5 things that you are grateful for that day.

What you will likely find in doing this simple little exercise is that you have a lot more to be grateful for in your life than you may have thought – and you will also begin to retrain your focus to see the positive that is happening in your life. When your mind is convinced that you do have good things happening in your life, you will feel less burdened – and that always allows you to have more positive energy!

Energy Tip #2: Surround yourself with images of people that you love.

How do you feel when you are with those that you love? How about when you come home from a hard day and see your spouse or partner, children, or pets? 

I am willing to bet that you feel energized – the worries of the day seem a bit farther away. So, bring that positive energy right in to your workspace! Make sure that you have pictures of the people or animals that you love, and take time to look at them throughout the day. When you do, simply say to yourself, “I am grateful for your presence in my life,” and allow that feeling of love and gratitude to flow over you. 

Energy Tip #3: Compliment someone. 

Pay attention to those around you, and offer an authentic compliment to someone. Offering a little joy to others always makes their day, and it makes your day, too. Try it and see how much better you feel by giving out a little goodness to others! 

Energy Tip #4: Get away negative people.

Really. Now. We all understand that being with negative, critical people is nothing but trouble for not only our energy levels, but for creating a better life. After all, the more that you are tuned in to a negative frequency, the more negativity you will bring in to your life. 

It is for your best that you limit your interaction with negative people. Find ways to avoid those that are negative, and to be with those that are positive – and notice how much better you feel as a result!

Energy Tip #5: Dream.

What do you really want to do or be? Take 5 minutes to write down exactly what you really desire in your life, and then visualize yourself doing and being that very thing. Make this experience as real as possible, imaging every detail, such as what you will be wearing, how you will feel, what others will be saying or doing, any scents or smells that will be part of this experience, and anything else you think would make the experience real for you. 

After you are done, notice the amount of energy in your body – it is truly amazing what just a few minutes of dreaming will do for you! Better yet, every time that you do this, you tune your mind in to this very reality, allowing that experience to flow right to you! 

Do you have other tips that help you to get more energy when you are feeling low? Please share them with me! 

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