4 Amazing Things Empaths Can Do (Can YOU Do All of Them?)

Do you have these 4 amazing empath superpowers?


  • Only about 1 - 5% of the world’s population is on the empathic scale, so that means that you likely felt very different (or were told that you were weird or strange) compared to most people you know (or knew).

  • Instead of thinking of yourself as weird, try thinking of yourself as unique with AMAZING superpowers that others don’t have. (Believe it or not, heightened sensitivity is a superpower.)

  • There are many different qualities that show up when you are an empath.

  • One is that you can sense other’s pain as your own. How you sense it can be different, however (see video for how and how to figure out if you are actually feeling someone else’s pain!).

  • Another thing is that we can sense changes in emotion in a room, or feel the emotions of a room when we walk in.

  • We can feel how someone is feeling and know how to help.

  • And watch the video for #4!

Want to know if you have more qualities of an empath?

Do you know others who are empaths that could use help? Please like and share this video!

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