Send me some love. Or questions. Or media inquiries. Or radio or TV show offers. Or chocolate chip cookies. Actually, chocolate chip cookies would be great. 



Please note -

While I LOVE other’s work and love to support others, I don’t accept guest submissions on my site. I am committed to make sure that every single word on my site (or in my book or anywhere I might write) is written by me, so guest posts aren’t accepted. Authenticity is extremely important to me, so if I am presenting something as my work or on my site, then it has to be MY work. :) Due to the volume of requests for guest posts that I receive, it’s likely that I won’t be able to respond to your request.

However, I am always open to partnerships, co-leading summits or workshops, interview requests, or anything like that. I love supporting others in the field (or similar fields), so if you’d like to pitch an idea like that to me, please do so! If I can help, I will help.

Thanks so much for understanding!

Much love, Tara :o)